starting youtube channel

hay today my friend named Agus borrow my phone and wanna open YouTube, I wonder why, because he never talk to me at least he need something, like today I am being anxious and I know the reason, he just wanna open YouTube because he wanna me to subscribe his channel name BU YA BI, the content is about fish, he feed his Arwana with baby shrimp, and clean it first so it eatable. Well, that make me think about starting YouTube channel too, like I wanna talk in English like Emma Chamberline  with no content at all maybe add a little bit about fashion cause I wanna change my style a little bit. I adore her so much, I even try coffee more because she like it, she even have coffee label by her named her self, she even younger than me, not mean I'm envy or something, yeah I'm jealous as f*ck but that is my fault it self never trying and work that hard, she start it like 4 year ago, so I thing I still have change. 

i need to thing what content that i wanna do in my channel from now but think much whit out action is procrastination, so maybe i just need to do it like Nike slogan, but jumping whit out plan also deadly move, i learn from stock that i do for about one year i don't learn much about stock but i just buy it and lost my money about five hundred thousand rupiah, but starting youtube channel don't need money, u just have to be brave and ready for other people judge, i mean they can see what u trying to do and they be like what is this? or yeah its silly because others presumption of you is not your responsibility.

i wanna learn english so bad like i wanna talk flowless and with a good intonation and good pronoun, like u can tell from what i write in this blog right know my grammer is such. No is not bad as it seem just need practice and read more, as long as i can understand it is okay. 


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