day 3

 hey again. today i woke up at 05.00 am then take a bath then arrived at office at 06.59 today is Tuesday so we wear Endek. i eat breakfast before go to office made by my dad its a fried rice and egg on top. i like it because it make me full until lunch time. i drink 3 refill water today i guess. after arriving at office we do morning briefing that leads by Willy he is so calm and good at plubic speaking.. I wish i can be like him. After that i do my job des as usual. Lunch at 14.00 and it is my favorite menu “Ayam Kalasan” so yummy i like the spice. The chiken is so tender. I am so happy with my lunch. After that waiting go home. At 07.00 

What i am grateful for today:

1. On-time arrived at office

2. Drink water 💧 

3. Take a bath before sleep

4. Write this blog

What i wish i can do better

1. Not see my phone too much okay its better then yesterday 3.16 minutes 

2. Drink more

3. Not reversal

4. Write more detail 


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