Wedding day

Today, 9 January 2020 my friend Jopan wedding day he is my Human Resources Department leader. I mean he dont have team, only him. After do my job at Sunsri, prepare the Silver class for 1 person. After that we (production team) usually breafing and after that I and Kadek go to Devis to get gem. After that we get a Zuur water and Air keras for the Apen. After that see the silver class again because they said it will be 3 person. After that i prepare for the Gravir and Plating, Buy Karet, Get email from Wira, Patri Laser, Meeting, Get Service, Prepare for Apen, And Go to Gianyar for Jopan Wedding. I am pretty girl, smart, independent, dont need to impress no one, need to be on time, need to be tidy, need to prepare, need to productive, and happy


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