Realizing Something

Hey. This is me again Wina. today I write because I forget to do it yesterday. Yesterday I woke up late and forget to get key in the Arum houses, So after 7.58 am I go there. After that I did everything like usual, Linda helps me so much, I was wondering if she can switch me haha. But I will not quite before two years' experience. I wanna be data sciences. I wanna plan a tree every month. I wanna read one book every month. I wanna write a blog every day. According to my title in this blog. I realize that I am a broke girl with two women sick at my house. One is my grandmother who is can't go anywhere because of her leg. My dad must help her to take a pee every day. And trow it in the toilet by the bucket. One is my Mom. She's been sick because of the period. When she get menstruation she always in pain. That is the reason why I wanna help them by getting reach. Will help them pay the debt and make them less stress. Too many people int this world now isn't it? Example: My grandmother now has nine grandchildren and then they will have children right? but this world cant contains it. How we can be eco warrior? buy dead? or dont have any children? what the fuck I think too much that out of my capacity. Bye for now


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