
Yesterday I was attending my friend wedding Novi and she is the one that have a same birthday date with me when we are in senior high school, so I feel must come and say hello to everyone, first in my mind I contact my closes friend back then, she is Ryna and Gita which i don't contact very often after we just keep doing out thing at collage, so i go to Instagram and dm both of them Gita whos the first one reply mean i more into her rather than ryna, so I ask her will she come there? And she said yes, I am so glad that she replies so ask her if I can join her and she said yes so I come and prepare my self before seven pm and get lost to find our meet point in Gianyar so I when directly to her house, she seemed still very humble as I remember and I love her mother which is so pretty in my opinion. I also remember her sister wich already a teenager now. So after say hello we go therewith her car that I glad for so we don't use a motorcycle. I meet Gita Kanela Aris and Wirpat we also in same class that i glad can talk too, we talk about a lot of silly thing and after we arrived the car seem will be park by someone else so we wait, but they say will escort as but i dont belived it so i join Gita to the parking lot (anyways Gita Ayu is the one who own the car Gita Kanela the one that i used meet in her house they have the same name so will rather not describe just to difficul for me) oh i also wanna describe one by one persn that i meet first Gita Ayu (smart, humble, idealis) Gita Kanela (loyal, kind, real) Aris (quite, you cant literally found his face on any photo, techo) Wirapati (Idealis, real, confident) so thats just my pernola opioin i don't judge just the way I saw them in not so deep way or just in the surface. After arrived there i mert Deddy the one that has many friends and royal, Dede funny, Wirgun and Bintari sweetheart couple, Cacing the tall and funny one with his couple, Dayu the very sweet and Gw the pretty one, Karina the most talk about her success, Sang ayu and Jusi the down to earth, Everyone from 1-10 is ten for sure i love meet all of them and i very glad that still can talk have a nice night yesterday i forget mention Oming Juli my twin friends. I have to eat now cause my hand terrible ok so the point is that was a great night and have a great people too 


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