QNA with my self
Hai what u really love?
My self
Are u sure?
Hmm maybe not cause sometimes i don't take care my self as much as i should
Why u say something like that?
Because i don't shower twice a day at 7 am and 6 am, i don't work out every morning at 5 am
Then why u don't do that?
I want but every morning always wake up late and i am too sleepy. and for take a bath I always procrastination
How u can fix that?
Thinking about shame and regret that will come in the future of my life maybe that will make me afraid?
You still questioning it so that's not strong enough what else make u move and do something
Well somtimes i just do it
Why dont u just do it then now?
Ok well will ask my causin today to go bike will inform you again later thankyou
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