
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Power of Mind

Hey its been eighteen day since I write in this blog, A lot of thing happen let me describe it a little here because I only have thirteen minuets left, for your information I write it while breaktime at office. Soo at 9 January 2020 there is silver class after that I busy prepare for Sunsri Anniversary 1 year at 14 January 2020. I send some invitation to vendor and supplier around Celuk and GHL and other places like SIM, Paron, and send it on WhatsApp to our Gravir Customer. The Event was success with so many people come. My duty was as a scouter, the one who welcoming guest and take them go to see our gallery around and explain them about Sunsri. I pleasure to meet some of Bank Mandiri friends and Important person. But the most important person I met was the people from Yayasan Cahaya Mutiara Bali. They were looked so happy and I get inspired by them. After the party we clean all the dishes and food that was left. I come home around 1 pm and that day I knew that my aunty was die b...

Wedding day

Today, 9 January 2020 my friend Jopan wedding day he is my Human Resources Department leader. I mean he dont have team, only him. After do my job at Sunsri, prepare the Silver class for 1 person. After that we (production team) usually breafing and after that I and Kadek go to Devis to get gem. After that we get a Zuur water and Air keras for the Apen. After that see the silver class again because they said it will be 3 person. After that i prepare for the Gravir and Plating, Buy Karet, Get email from Wira, Patri Laser, Meeting, Get Service, Prepare for Apen, And Go to Gianyar for Jopan Wedding. I am pretty girl, smart, independent, dont need to impress no one, need to be on time, need to be tidy, need to prepare, need to productive, and happy

Consistency needs efforts and patient

So after two days, I write this blog again. The past two days a lot of things happen. But I will give you the highlight So.. on 6 January which is Monday I run out of the clean shirt. I wear the same clothes that I wear the other day and put a lot of perfume to hide the smell. After that I work in office as usual, Next day same thing happen. I run out of clean shirt. I waste my time in social media and my phone. Oh ya the glade thing happen to me yesterday was I go to Ubud. I eat really  delicious food and it was amazing. The food is 50k and it worth my money because it healthy and help others. At night my dad told me about a new job vacancy in Payangan that I am interest in it. I will take this opportunity, nothing wrong with my job now Sunsri give me life that i will never regret. I hope if i dont accepted there, I still can work in Sunsri. I must not late come to the office, follow all the law, being tidy and happy, it looks stupid but my boss believes that if you doing it happi...

Realizing Something

Hey. This is me again Wina. today I write because I forget to do it yesterday. Yesterday I woke up late and forget to get key in the Arum houses, So after 7.58 am I go there. After that I did everything like usual, Linda helps me so much, I was wondering if she can switch me haha. But I will not quite before two years' experience. I wanna be data sciences. I wanna plan a tree every month. I wanna read one book every month. I wanna write a blog every day. According to my title in this blog. I realize that I am a broke girl with two women sick at my house. One is my grandmother who is can't go anywhere because of her leg. My dad must help her to take a pee every day. And trow it in the toilet by the bucket. One is my Mom. She's been sick because of the period. When she get menstruation she always in pain. That is the reason why I wanna help them by getting reach. Will help them pay the debt and make them less stress. Too many people int this world now isn't it? Example: M...

Mother Cafe Nyuh Kuning Bali

Today I am in Mother Cafe at Nyuh Kuning Bali, Intagram @mother_bali while I am here its about 6.48 pm so it will be dark soon. I see a lot of tourist the young couple, mothers, and the oldest having their own business.  Me too. Nothing too ashamed to said that I am not take a bath yet, bring my own water and only buying a cup of latte. After I read about people salary in twitter I am in shock, because I am amaze my the nominal. I am afraid for the rest of my life I will chasing money. But that is important. When you are get older you absolutely hoping the best for your son or daughter. I mean you don't want they are suffering for what food they will eat today, because you don't have enough money to provide it. Why I am discussing about money suddenly? you must be wondering.. well I got my salary today I will elaborate it to you : I am working 25 day this November so I get Rp 2.500.000 for the main salary and others bonus total around Rp 3.2 and I am glad I make my target...

Do it now

Hey, I write this now at 03/01/20 at my bedroom 6.46 am because, I procrastination it yesterday, the power of doing it now is real, if you not, probably will not do it forever. Yesterday was  Thursday at I forget to use Kebaya as a uniform. Come late to the office but with a new body mist. After that, we all discuss our new year activity and whos come to the office on 1  January. I come back home to get my lunch because I want to meet my twin. But unfortunately, she is not at home. I checking my phone and back to the office. Working and made a task that they told me. Not all of it I make but sort of it. Looking for a schedule campus and go home. looking for the phone again. looking at the flood in Jakarta. Eat vegetables. not take a shower and sleep with my bag still hanging to my shoulder.

Hari Pertama di Tahun 2020

Tahun baru hari baru semangat baru, Tanggal 1 Januari 2020 aku mulai dengan bangun siang, jam 6 bangun dengan malas malasan. Menyapu halaman dan tidur lagi, bangun lagi untuk bantu dina masak lawar, sejenis masakan bali dengan Bapak kandungku, setelah membantunya aku putuskan untuk masuk kerja setengah hari, karena menurutku berbohong demi kepentingan awal tahun tidak lah masalah, Reny teman SD ku datang, dan kita mengobrol hal hal konyol dahulu kala yang topiknya selalu kita ulang ulang, dulu saat pulang kehujanan naik sepeda lah, memecahkan gelas lah, bergosip pasangan paling romantis saat smp lah, dan siapa yang sudah menikah atau akan meniakh duluan, akhirnya hujan deras dan aku harus berangkat bekerja, sesampainya di kantor bos mengucapkan selamat tahun baru. Dan bos mengobrol tentang Bu Jero sesepuh di kantor yang selalu mengeluh dengan kerjaan nya yang sangat banyak, saya tidak tau mana yang benar tapi saya diminta agar bekerja lebih keras lagi, pulang kerja jam 5 lebih 3 menit...