Saturday 8 February 2025

Hi again this is me Wina, well i have some think to tell you today. I already apply for working in Japan but the place don't have snow in it. Is that okay for me? cause i wanna have a really white skin. But if i accepted that is good and also bad thing. I will be describe here :

Good news is :

  1. I will go to Japan as sooner
  2. That will make me more saving money because it is so far away from city
  3. I will work in hotel which is good for my CV in the future.
Bed news is :
  1. My skin will be tan cause there is no snow and mostly beach.
  2. Slow living will make me not modern and update.
  3. I will work ask cleaning service.
What will i do if i accepted ?
  1. Resign
  2. Tell my Shachou i get other job
  3. Try to get more money Rp 48.000.000
  4. Focus learn Japanese
  5. Budgeting and schedule everything
  6. Learn dance, abs workout, 
  7. Buy phone, laptop/tablet, mic.
What would I do if I don't get the job?
  1. Learn Jikonsoukai (print the note)
  2. Try again in 1 March 
  3. Work in Mr Smash Burger
  4. Run everyday
well I think that's it for today, Thanks for helping me think clearly and more prepare for every possibility. Hopefully what will happen is the best for me. What I wont in the future :
  1. Nice Body have abs in my thirty 
  2. Healthy skin clean and bright skin
  3. More Income, two digit or at least more then 6 million.
  4. Have passive income from freelance accounting, Instagram endorse, model, volunteer
  5. Can help my parent do chore
  6. Learn more opportunity in Ubud (Import Export Selling, Lease, Property, Asset, Culture)
  7. Journaling
  8. Reading
  9. Relationship
  10. Meditation or Yoga/ Calisthenic sports


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