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Hello my name is Wina, and today I realize something. After I watch the TV (Monday 10/January/2017)  (08.00pm) at Intan Residence. In TV show that a head of Bali (Gubernur) Made Maku Pastika meet all the Rektor of Udayana, Rektor  of Politeknik Negeri Bali, Rektor of Warmadewa and  they discussion about “WHO’S IS JOBLESSNESS TODAY?” And I am say in my heart. “me”
I SHY! They just talk about the fact that in this era. So many Master Student Collage Jobless. Why we study so expensive than after that we are jobless. The purpose of study is to get a job, right?
I have a friend named Darti. She is so motived me to get money by my own hand. She never ask money to her parent and after study in collage she still have to work. she make her own money! And she is one of the my closest friend!. So why I can’t make my own money? I still ask for money to my parent. Yeah maybe I am had get my own money by daily work about 90.000 rupiah / 8 hour and I still can’t manage my money. Yeah I agree that all I need is more than my money that I make. But still… that is must be a way that I can manage my own money to plus not minus and buy all the think that is expensive and not urgent. I think I had some idea to manage my own money to make some merchandise that available to sell. Like made from trash. So that can make this world more green and clean plus make my own money. Maybe this is still an idea that come after I am angry to my self and just an idea. But I must make it real someday.
All thing that I realize again:

Made mangku pastika is my idol he like read a good book! And I am really want to know what is the tittle of books that he read. Made mangku pastika is the person that help my twin to study in SMAN Bali Mandara. And because of him I meet and know  a lot of amazing friend like darti, ekayani, suman, sanis, rama, nane,and many more that very inspiring me. Made mangku pastika told that one of student Bali Mandara to learn how to drive and earn him/her own money! How realistic!
      He’s make his own song! And one of the person there said “the more we read the more we can have a good mental ”I am really agree! The person there really brave to speak English and Made mangku pastika said that is a good habit! We must still learn and love ours culture but we must knowledge  English language in thin global era.
      I want to have a job(entrepreneur)  and earn my own money because “ be a poor is a sin”
I want read the good book that motived me!


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