Hi again this is me Wina, well i have some think to tell you today. I already apply for working in Japan but the place don't have snow in it. Is that okay for me? cause i wanna have a really white skin. But if i accepted that is good and also bad thing. I will be describe here : Good news is : I will go to Japan as sooner That will make me more saving money because it is so far away from city I will work in hotel which is good for my CV in the future. Bed news is : My skin will be tan cause there is no snow and mostly beach. Slow living will make me not modern and update. I will work ask cleaning service. What will i do if i accepted ? Resign Tell my Shachou i get other job Try to get more money Rp 48.000.000 Focus learn Japanese Budgeting and schedule everything Learn dance, abs workout, Buy phone, laptop/tablet, mic. What would I do if I don't get the job? Learn Jikonsoukai (print the note) Try again in 1 March Work in Mr Smash Burger Run everyday well I think that's it...